Art of making money. Overview of the most unusual coins from all over the world

Art of making money. Overview of the most unusual coins from all over the world

Undoubtedly, many people are very elegant, graceful and tasteful know how to spend money. This art will sooner or later everyone can master, especially when you do not need to be considered a penny and painful to think about how to live from paycheck to paycheck. Similarly, art is the process of money creation, in particular, those who are called commemorative, commemorative and souvenir coin. And the most unusual gift, as well as small coins from around the world - in our review.

Despite the conventional adage that money is evil, look at these masterpieces, which laid out the design in every detail, down to the last lines, you begin to understand why evil is sometimes so attractive. Thus, the online magazine about money says:

Canadian designers have decided that the one-color coins - a relic of the past and created a series of unusual colored coin with a hologram. This here is a step in the future.
Turkish coins

But the designers who worked on the image of Turkish coins, decided that the important thing is not color, and shape, so their one-color coin cut into squares and ovals with lovely embossed on both sides.

Chinese coins

The coins of gold and silver, made in the form so popular in China fans. They belong to a series of "Chinese calendar", each packed in a separate box, and then - in the case.

Souvenir Coins of Belarus

In Belarus, Alexander Dumas' admirers will find something to his liking. Namely, a series of souvenir coins based on the "Three Musketeers". Thus, four silver coins depict four inseparable friends, each sword is attached to the zirconium of a certain color, and behind him - made ​​with enamel painting of what was dear to each of them. Interestingly, the set is packaged in a special case in book form. The certificate is attached.

New Zealand coins

In New Zealand the same - their favorite books. So, we all know that Tolkien's trilogy "The Lord of the Rings" filmed mostly in New Zealand's government and had decided to withdraw from that fact the cream of what we can. Therefore, published a series of souvenir coins depicting the main characters of this trilogy. Minted as silver and gold coins.

A souvenir coin of Somalia, even coins, it is difficult to call. Souvenirs - and that's it ...

Coins of the Congo

The same applies to coins made in the Congo. As to the wooden issued with a slogan in defense of animals, and for silver, with inlays of gold, frankincense and myrrh, which symbolize the gifts brought to Jesus by three wise men a little.

Unusual coins from the islands

Islands - a small planet, separate worlds with their laws and statutes, thinking and way of life. This is the way you think, looking at his amazing unusual coins issued in the islands.

Other cash wonders
Well, here we are at all coin-toys.
For example, a coin with the smell of the sea, which can be felt by rubbing your finger rowed

A coin with a miniature bas-relief in marble, dedicated to the work of the great sculptor Michelangelo:
And an amazing coin-sundial, released in Liberia:

It is hard to imagine how many "normal" coins to pay to become full owner of the coin unusual. It is known that the cost of some of the souvenir coins up to several million, but still there are collectors for whom "image is nothing, thirst - everything." By the way, many of these coins are in the national and international museums, where they can enjoy during the scientific and popular

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