Pogvorochki, a selection of sayings from the network kopatelskih

Pogvorochki, a selection of sayings from the network kopatelskih

Fear of wolves - in the woods not to dig
We see the cork on a signal
Spring red fields, and the autumn - orchards

One plows, seven katuhoy wave
A dog barks - a device to beep
Grandma yells, but the discovery of rushing
Its shovel close to the case
His MD mile honk
In a strange place, and the joy of shells
Do you like gold - Love and aluminum
Not all the gold that is ringing
What signal is quieter, the more valuable metal
Do not singe - no ping
April slept - all year pissed away
In the grass - a banana in your pocket
The sun in the zenith, and the ringing in your pocket
Who is looking for - he finds one who pisses - he lost
How much a penny is not clear, and the ruble will not become
One hundred kopeks on the ruble is not replaced
Scoop is not a treasure, a digger happy
Life is to live - not to ring the field
Asya is good for Vasya
The more quietly you go, the more you will find
The more deeply buried treasure, the louder the mat
The worse the road, the fewer people
At night all archaeologists gray
The deeper the hole - the meaner the farmer
I was looking for gold - found lead
In Kopar soul to plow
Ancient copper earth kisnet
There is no field without scales
Scales did not draw it out your pocket
Ivan the red scales, but just do not have any. Yn
In the scales of clay is born
Device for fifty dollars, but a cheap blade
Digger dirt patina that coin
Palm with silver - but the elbow in the shit
Cop to cop does not have to
The first pancake cop
What is the German's death, the Russian - finds
Kopar know how to drink in the USSR
Not so bad tractor, as it spares
Do not lift the pots gods
In a quiet Kopar dirhams, while the greedy - two halves

Юг Клад

Lopata, Niva and the device - a gentlemen's my set
How much battery is not charging, but still have to run for the batteries
Keep your feet warm in cold vodka
Fisher Minelabu not a friend.
Caught a plummet large and small.
Kakalik ammonia will not spoil.
Grounded batteries not far from Kopar fall.
A gift instrument on the katuhu do not watch.
Power is - dig Chernin.
The farther into the woods, the deeper trenches.
He came, saw, dig up ...
Did it - Zara hole.
Sasha was walking along the highway, and he waved his stick.
"Thank you" to the album, and not put huckster not vparit.
One katuha - good, but two - uncomfortable.
New - it's good old washed
Agronomists fear - not to go into the field.
Do you love to dig - and love to dig holes.
Not for ICQ - the coil.
Snout five kopecks TM EM - discord.
Beach sand is not flushed - flushed beach storms.
Peak, peak, and dopikalsya.
Without the coil and the device - a stick.
Better penny in their hands than the ruble is under the ground.
Not Delhi srebrenik not found.
A friend is known in the three-mile.
What is excavated - that does not dig.
In mittens flake not catch.
Do not say "cop" until you get there.
Signals a lot - a little help.
Digging "mosinku" in the trunk can not hide.
New MD for a new looking.
Kopar - Kopar - see izdalya.
In winter, dug a bit - but the snow is deep hurt.
Not so bad latifundists as he is painted.
On GPS helps those who help themselves.
In the PGM devil himself would break a leg.
It will be on our itinerary poseluha
Who does not dig - he does not eat ..
Copaci legs feed ..
Hasty twice on one coin hits ...
A good cop - the year feeds
Mite is small, but better than a big Chernushki
A coin was good, but bad digger
Who boast, and who delves ...
For a good Copaci in February March
Who does not dig, it is not
Do not put off till tomorrow what you can dig up today
Findings in the evening is considered
Hole is small, so the coins do not have
No coins so look for, and found so take care.
Who sleeps in the spring, hungry winter (without correction)
Perhaps but somehow, not a coin will save ..
The way something is far, but it is good cop-
With a fool to contact - on the cop did not go
Who does not nickle roads, we and the gate of
Dig in the spring - not to sleep
Find a ruble, the penny, and it is not so.
Its mite not shied away from, but not for someone else grab
If I did not cop teshilsya, it just would have hanged himself
Each Kopach praises his club, and someone else hayot.
Where there is a tree and the roots where the roots there and coins
And mite find happiness should be ..
What is not lost, then look for what he lost - others will find ..
Coin loves it sought to
I found a treasure, just forgot where his brother
Dig praise, that has given top
In razzini in your pocket is always empty
Where plowing fry out there full of coins Flat dish
New look for the place, so do not forget the old
Let my penny will not be cracked.
Depth is not a club, and in the head
With our swag no candle for god nor devil candle.
Not only the spade, but the mind
Do not say "hop" has not yet dug up
The old coins will not spoil Kopach
Cork is not a coin, coin pocket is not, sorry - but
How Firm a shovel, so the roots are thick
Would be the place, the findings will be
Willy everyone on their land to dig a hole (no change)
At the fossa, and others penny ruble
Win a loss on one sleigh ride
For a good seven miles Kopar not hook
In a quiet field of search engines are found
The farther into the woods, the thicker roots
You like to dig? Love and dig
Well, where there is not the pits
Do not wait for tomorrow cop, if you can go today
Well digging the one who digs the first!
Small Deus, but the roads
Bold Kopar does not look to the calendar
Farmers plow - Kopar waving sticks
At verstovku hope, but also those who help themselves!
Do not dig another hole - her first vyroy
The main drawback habarnogo place - its lack of
Objective reality is a delirium caused by the long absence of cop
Kopar not born - they become
If MJ was not, he should have come up with.
Not that this does not spoil the coin, as a blow to her with a shovel.
Delve coins, large and small ..
Kopar - it sounds good. And looks even worse.
Cop in small doses is useful in any quantity.
Easy to dig very hard.
Going for a day, take the battery for a week.
Hat warm ears, coat - a body, and cop - per
Short payback with the enemy, since in the hands of a fighter shovel!
Main part of any device - is the head of its owner
People saying that the Nazi-"his own brother, willy-nilly."
Courage, honor, courage - three first sign of intoxication.
He took a shovel in his hands, and forget about boredom.
Studying the migration of the worms. What do you think?
Take a shovel - dug a salary.
We host! Give peace to dig!


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